Instrument case for birch bark lure/ Skrin til bjørkelur

A new job in my shop, I'm making a case for a birch bark lure from going to Sunnmørsmuseet. Doing some box joint by hand, but I do not practise this enough! I will advise everyone to practise the different woodworking skills as much a possible, it takes practise...

An update from the project in photos. Please comment or if you have any questions feel free to contact me!

Finished job, all birch, inside and out!
The instrument itself, birch lure.

 Oiling with Finishing oil
 Getting somewhere! 
 fitting the lure
 lining the lid with wool baze usually used on sneaker tables!
Gluing an instrument or gun case is hectic!

The start:

The humble start of a new project. Sawing and planeing on a jointer to get the material as I want it. 

Laying out for measurement

 using tape to have something to lay my tools against for more excact cutting. It also prevent scars on my wood.

I need a better saw, but it is not too bad.


Marking the sides...

 Trying to put it together!

So far so good!


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